Ordinary translations are translations that do not require the stamp of a sworn translator. They can be done by anyone who knows a foreign language well. A certified translation, or a sworn translation, must contain the handwritten signature of the authorized translator as well as a stamp and his/her personal data. Check for yourself when sworn translations are needed.
A sworn translator is a person with state qualifications granted by the Ministry of Justice after passing the state examination. After its positive result, he or she receives a stamp issued by the State Mint, which contains his or her personal data, the language he or she speaks and his or her position on the list of translators in the country. What documents will a sworn translator translate for us?
Official letters
Official letters and letters we send to courts are a group of documents that can only be translated by a sworn translator. These will be:
• civil status records
• birth certificates
• notarial deeds, including wills, donations, purchase and sale deeds
• contracts, including employment contracts
• contracts
If a foreigner intends to study in Poland, he or she must provide diplomas and certificates translated by a sworn translator. Therefore, a sworn translator will translate for us certificates, high school leaving certificates, diplomas of any degree (engineering, bachelor’s, master’s) or documents certifying the completion of a specific course.
One of the most reputable companies dealing with this type of translation is the ABC sworn translation agency. Polish-English and English-Polish translations performed by this office are of the highest standard. His extensive experience makes his services eagerly used by clients who want to translate EU or tender documents.
Other situations
A sworn translator is primarily responsible for translating official documents that are of official importance or are needed to handle official matters.
Banks and insurance companies will therefore require a certified translation. We will also need this type of documents for vehicles purchased outside Poland, not only cars, but also trailers, motorcycles and tractors.
Let us also remember that if we have medical documentation abroad and we want to use it in the country, the help of a sworn translator will also be necessary.